Current Events - National


Breonna Taylor

In the wake of the grand jury decision to not hold the police officers involved in the murder of Breonna Taylor, protesters all over the country are making their voice heard in the street. You can learn more about Breonna Taylor’s case here. Please donate to the Black Lives Matter’s Louisville Bail Fund Project.

ICE Detention Centers

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) continues their inhumane detainment and separation of families. These families are afforded both minimal protection from COVID-19 and minimal basic human rights. There are also reports of forced hysterectomies. You can learn more about the abolish ICE movement, get involved, and donate here.

Transgender Rights Support

Black Trans Women and Black Trans Femmes exist within multiple intersections of oppression within our society. It is important that we center their safety and joy while we fight to dismantle and heal from anti-Black violence. Learn more about Trans Liberation, get involved, and donate here.

“Revolution is not a one time event.”

— Audre Lorde, “Learning from the 60s”